Tuesday Tea: What's a short story or short story collection you recommend?
Good things in small packages
Hello, friends! Mel, here…
I’m working on an essay for Beyond the Bookshelf about my sometimes-rocky relationship with short stories. It’s going to include tips for learning to love them along with recommendations for great collections.
I have ideas about anthologies and collections I enjoyed — and then I realized you might have some good options to help me discover more! Thanks in advance for weighing in.
The Secret Lives of Church Ladies by Deesha Philyaw.
She mentioned in a book club discussion how short stories are about Revelation and novels are about Resolution. This totally changed how I approach reading short stories!
Oh man, Ted Chiang. Sci Fi is often so great in short story format because you can have a REALLY cool idea and not have to deal with all the nuisance of making it work in a longer format :)
His short story "Story of your Life" is the basis of the movie "Arrival". So many of his stories use sci fi as the bases for social commentary. Check out "Story of your Life and Others" for a great collection. His writing is just stunning.