Sep 7Liked by Melissa Joulwan, Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

One of the best falls I ever had was in Prague. Absolutely glorious!

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Fall is my favorite season, and Prague in fall is very dreamy. It's supposed to get quite cool and rainy this week. So excited!

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Sep 6Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Maybe you don’t “have” to read the other Jackson Brodie novels by Kate Atkinson, but I really recommend that you do. If not before then definitely after. He’s such an interesting character and there’s a lot of back story that affects everything he does. I can hardly wait to read this book!

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Sep 6Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I concur with reading them in order. Things happen to Jackson along the way and they impact his decisions. Best to read in order. I try to do that with most series I read.

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I would love to read the whole series! My SSoP required reading is keeping me from them! #bookwormproblems

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Sep 6Liked by Melissa Joulwan, Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

Also building my spooky season TBR! 👻 Your manor house post reminded me of my interest in Plain Bad Heroines. Hot tip for Kindle readers, it's currently $1.99.

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Oooh, that *is* a hot tip. Please let me know how you like it!

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Doing the same with the ever-growing spooky season pile, while still finishing the late summer reads! Thinking I might start with some exploration of things that transform us - dance mania, the minds of the mystics hovering close to not quite human creatures, that sort. Currently reading Chlorine by Jade Song that does that with a mermaid, so figure it's a good transition point! (Suggestions welcome!)

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Dance mania! Love it.

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Sep 6Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I love the Jackson Brodie novels and was SO excited to pick one up in Liverpool this summer - it isn't out yet in the US! I read it cover to cover on the plane. I also wanted to mention that my sister-in-law sent me Spine Poems as a gift and I agree that it is a treasure!

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Oh, awesome! So glad Spine Poems is a good fit for you. YAY!

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Sep 6Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Thanks for sharing the Polish painted houses! I've always wanted to get a tattoo of one of their folk art patterns as a nod to my great grandmother. It will be hot where I live for a while but I'm already transitioning to thrillers and mysteries for fall!

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Those designs would make a fantastic tattoo! Love that idea!

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