Jul 26Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Thank you for the shoutout! Been loving the new Substack format for your newsletter too :)

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Ooh delighted to go down your rabbit holes (I have a side quest podcast mapping project)! Mel, thank you for this shoutout!

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Sam what is your podcast mapping project I’m very intrigued!

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Jul 26Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Two comments:

Merlin Sheldrake takes the fungi-growing-out-of-a-book concept one step further. Watch his video about oyster mushrooms growing out of his book, Entangled Life, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJfDaIVl-tE

I'd love to get your comments on the visit to Trieste at some point. Occasionally a fascinating book about that area comes to my attention. The latest is Flashpoint Trieste by Christian Jennings. I'm not usually keen on reading this kind of history (detailed military strategy and tactics of last days of

World Wat II) but this book was fascinating to me. Talk about entangled lives!

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That oyster mushroom book is AMAZING. It's quite creepy, but also very cool. Thank you for pointing me to that!

Trieste was lovely — although VERY hot when we were there. The city has a series of self-guided walking tours with different themes — history, architecture, literature, etc. — and we did the literary one. It was my favorite thing we did because it took us all over the city. Also, the coffee in Trieste is excellent. The 'famous' cafe Cafe San Marco is beautiful, but the servers were pretty rude and after waiting ages for attention and to place an order, we left and went somewhere friendlier.

We had two excellent meals at the Caffe degli Specchi, which is right on the big Piazza del Unita d'Italia. The servers were very friendly and warm, the view is fantastic, and the breakfast was delicious. Loved it!

There's also a museum of fashion that we wanted to see, but ran out of time. It looks very cool: https://itsweb.org/its-arcademy/

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Aug 19Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Thanks for the cool trip report. Design museum next time. :-)

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Jul 26Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Wow. Those Mongolian uniforms are 🔥

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Aren’t they awesome? So regal.

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Jul 28Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Cool info and links - and who would have known that the town of Nördlingen is full of diamonds? :-)

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So fun I found something about Germany that’s new to you! ♥️

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Love the links, checking out the horror summer camp one asap. Hope you have a wonderful trip!!

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