May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

Love your treasures shelf! For the past 15 or so years I've made a point to visit an independent bookstore anytime I've taken a trip. I then try to purchase a book by a local author. I write the place and date inside the books cover so when future me goes to purge books I can check and see if it's one I want to keep.

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YES! I love this idea so much! Visiting local indie bookshops is one of our favorite things to do, too, and we always try to buy at least one book. But your practice of writing the place and date inside is GENIUS. Just brilliant. —Mel

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I do this as well! Thank you for the idea of writing the place and date inside. Great tip!

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Great minds think alike 😉

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May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

We buy a Christmas ornament. Small, easy to pack, easy to store, and once a year we get to see them and remember all the adventures.

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May 30Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

We do this too! It’s very fun every year to put them out and remember each adventure!

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That is really nice. What a lovely tradition!

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Me, too! Although I rarely buy something that is actually sold as a Christmas ornament. I just don’t like the ones they sell, as they focus more on the holiday and less on the place we’re visiting. I often buy keychains, as they have a little loop on them. I cut off the metal chain/clip and tie a little ribbon on to hang on our tree. Tree decorating becomes a once-a-year session of “remember when”! And I don’t have to dust things on a shelf!

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May 24Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

Yes! we often get something small that is a good reminder of the place, rather than a commercial ornament (mini whisky bottle for Scotland!

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May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

I have tried to collect a Vogue or other fashion magazine from every country I visit. They capture a moment in time that I hope will be fun to look back on decades later. But I have missed a few. And high fashion does not really reflect the people and places I saw (except maybe Milan!)

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Oooh, that's a fun idea!

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May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

I collect children’s books from each country we visit, always enjoy hunting for English versions! Museum gift shops are great sources !😎

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That is a brilliant idea. —Mel

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Love this idea!!

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May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

We like to collect those cardboard beer coasters you get at pubs, cafes and restaurants. It’s a fun way to keep the memories alive of the places we have been.

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Another great idea! Stealing this one...

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May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

I love the idea of a Christmas ornament and refrigerator magnet. I look for a postcard(s) of the area and I always try to find a bookmark (even though I don't read paper books, I collect bookmarks) of the area or related to the bookstore that I buy the bookmark in.

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I love to buy postcards, too! I mostly keep them in my travel journal drawer so when I go in there to get my journal, I can flip through them — but sometimes when I need to send a note to someone special, I sacrifice one to communication.

The bookmarks are such a great idea! —Mel

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Postcards and bookmarks for me, too!

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May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

I used to collect fridge magnets, but now I collect Christmas ornaments. I also try to bring a reusable shopping bag from a local grocery store home, and if I can find a tea towel, I also grab one of those. I like to prompt travel memories when running errands or doing mundane chores at home!

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You and @emilygirard need to compare your collections! I love the Christmas ornament idea so much. Our dear friend Ellen also collects tea towels on her travels; so smart!

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May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

We took the same road trip as you, Mel in the 70s! Did we cross paths without realizing it??? Cypress Gardens was most memorable to me because of their water skiing show. I was a BIG fan of the movie Freaky Friday starring Jodie Foster at the time. To see an actual water skiing show was just the coolest thing. Although it would have been the BEST ever if a mom suddenly replaced one of the performers lol! The main thing I remember about Disney World was LOADS of people and long queues and having “It’s a Small World” stuck in my head!

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1. I love It's a Small World so much. The art by Mary Blair?! It's all so cute. The last time Dave and I went to Disney World (2012, maybe?) we rode it three times.

2. The thing I remember most about about Cypress Gardens are the pretty girls in the big skirts. Like this: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ed/a6/f9/eda6f9272cfcc8af5198908ee99dc65a.jpg

3. This is a brilliant photo of the water skiing: https://i0.wp.com/www.abandonedfl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FLA01-e1490984657107.jpg?resize=800%2C508&ssl=1

I also really loved Freaky Friday. —Mel

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May 22Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

I pick up stickers when I travel. This all started with my son's Junior Ranger National Park stamp book when he was little. The Jr version of this book has plenty of blank pages for stamps, stickers, ticket stubs, whatever. He really enjoyed picking out the stickers. Now that he's older, we've kept this tradition, although our sticker collection is mostly unstuck and in a drawer (or all over the house.....). For gifts, or for myself, I usually pick up locally made things that go away eventually - soap, tea, etc.

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May 30Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

I pick up stickers too. I have a kayak and I have been putting stickers all over it!

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I love all the little details we're learning about you, Rebecca! Messy books, Christmas ornaments, kayaking. So fun! —Mel

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I love stickers, too, but I feel like as an adult, there are less places to stick them! Back in the day, I used to make book covers for my textbooks with brown paper bags, and those were the perfect blank surface for stickers. Do I need to go back to school so I have a place for stickers?! —Mel

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May 22Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

As children of the 80s (ok 70s, but whose counting) I feel like we are entitled to having a sticker book. All we need is some Lisa Frank and we're set.

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This is so embarrassing, but I will share here, among friends: I used to buy stickers at the Hallmark store (remember those) — I was partial to cute animals — stick them to paper, then cut them out with scissors so they were sort of like game pieces. And I would just... look at them? Let them drift through my fingers in a satisfying way. Dump them out on the floor, then pick them up and put them back in the box. I was kind of a weird kid. —Mel

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May 23Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

If I could attach a photo here, I could show you the unreasonably... or, shall I even admit RECKLESSLY filled drawers of stickers in my house. I loved the Hallmark packs, also scratch-n-sniff (but not skunk or shoe leather), and puffy stickers. I now have a monthly sticker subscription from Pipsticks. I stare at them all the time. I've embraced my weird.

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We are kindrid spirits, and I'm delighted. Thank you for making me feel less weird.

I didn't know about Pipsticks, and now I'm concerned that I know about Pipsticks ;-)

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May 24Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

Oooh. Then you definitely don't want to know about Stickii..... www.stickiiclub.com

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May 22Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

I generally buy a local jam from the place I am visiting. If there is a museum or bookstore, I might pick up something there related to the place. Postcards are fun also and I keep those in travel journals. Unfortunately I take way too many pictures and that storage is getting out of hand and I need to compact that down.

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JAM! Such an excellent idea. My whole life, I wasn't really into jam (I know! WHAT?!) but since we moved to Prague, I'm a convert. There's a local jam-maker that makes the most brilliant cherry, strawberry, and blueberry. We just learned that a little shop around the corner from our flat sells it, so that's our go-to for gifts now when we need one. Jam as a souvenir is so good.

The photos on my phone are out of control. Best not to talk about it ;-) —Mel

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May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

I used to collect fridge magnets, ceramic tiles, glass sun catchers, postcards, tee shirts as a mom. Now that my better quarters,😁, are all grown I’ve boxed them all up for them to go through someday. I’m simplifying in retirement, so that n my last trip to Edinburgh, I brought a bunch of books from US, no UK authors , and left them in the bookcase at the Airbnb I stayed at, and filled my carryon with all new and second hand books from shops around Scotland. I think this will be my new thing!!

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WHAT?! You are so smart and creative! Bringing books along and leaving them is fantastic. I love this! —Mel

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This is brilliant!

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May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

I love the idea of a treasure shelf, but I hate the idea of dusting them, so...I, too, decided that collecting Christmas ornaments was the way to go. I love pulling them out of their little boxes and wrappings once a year. If it's a particularly pretty one, then I'll hang it in the window in front of my desk. Right now, I have a beautiful crocheted bell from the shop at Golden Lane No. 19 in Prague hanging there.

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There are a LOT of little bits and bobs that need dusting, it's true!

Oh! Golden Lane. That's so nice. What a great idea! —Mel

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May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

My husband and I each collect things from our travels plus I like to get a magnet and he likes enamel pins.

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Oh, pins! That's so fun.

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May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

Love your treasure shelf! I have something similar...4 rectangular shelves that I put souvenirs on. But I collect key rings. I originally had them in a glass jar, but I recently had my dad put bars on hooks on one of my shelves so I can hang them. I love staring at them and seeing all the places I've been!

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I would love to see that! What a fun idea! —Mel

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May 21Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

Love them and the concept of a treasure shelf. I collect a lot of souvenirs and mainly ceramics and dolls / figurines . And of course fridge magnets. Will borrow this idea sometime for my newsletter - Journeys and Jottings

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YES fridge magnets! We have a few of those, too. My favorite is from Tarragona, Spain. It looks like a window with closed shutters, and you can actually open the little red shutters to see an image of the beach in Tarragona. It's very cheesy, and I love it. —Mel

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How cute is that ..

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May 28Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

I often bring back a small rock from my travels. It started with my Dad. He was a mountain climber/hiker all his life. He used to bring a rock back from the top of a peak and tell us (my brothers and me) that we needed to take it back! And a few times we did! So I have small pieces of quartz, obisidon, sea pebbles and all sorts of misc. rocks from all over the world, in a glass bowl. Nice memories.

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Aw, this is really, really nice! I love it!

You might like the Brontë Parsonage podcast about Anne Brontë's rock collection. It's also very sweet. https://www.buzzsprout.com/2317582/14576237-with-rowan-coleman

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