I love, love A Room with a View. Denholm Elliott as Mr. Emerson is one of my favorite characters ever with his line as he points to his heart, “Here is where the birds sing. Here is where the sky is blue. My view is from within.”

And of course Judi Dench and Maggie Smith are perfect foils. I just love that movie.

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Every time (EVERY TIME) I hear someone say something vaguely about other people being responsible for their happiness or expecting external things to bring them deep joy, I pretend to poke myself in the chest with a fork, and I say, "Here is where the birds sing. Here is where the sky is blue." Denholm Elliott is the best. Just in case you need it, here's a mini video clip of those two lines: https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/34d076f8-4b97-4e2c-8395-ec93048ae220

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Jul 25Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Came here expressly to post about the Merchant Ivory version of Room with a View! THE BEST! (And not to be mixed up with the 2007 Andrew Davies version.)

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Ditto, one of my absolute favorite book-movie combinations! I rewatched it recently after a trip to Florence (of course!). I agree with everyone here about the acting, and it is such a perfectly cast movie. I love the title cards. There are so many beautiful words spoken, but also so many wordless moments that speak volumes. Like when George tips his plate in the very beginning to show the question mark. Or when Cecil sits down on the step after Lucy's rejection to tie his shoes. And just about any scene when Lucy is working out a thought.

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DARN IT. Now I have to go watch it again right now.

BTW, the audiobook is also great, if you want to consume the story another way.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Haha! Yes I SHOULD try the audiobook. I’m not usually an audiobook person but to consume the story in yet another way … I think yes definitely.

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Jul 25Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Yes! Or towards the end where you see George through the window bouncing a tennis ball on his racket, and then Cecil through another window almost losing his balance as he swats a bee away.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I love this movie so much...great quote! The whole cast is amazing...

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When I'm stuck and don't know what I want to read or watch, I go back to the book, the audiobook, or the movie. Always makes me happy and gets me unstuck.

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

such a great idea!

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Definitely a comfort movie and book for me too Mel!

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I wish EM Forster wasn't dead so I could write a fan letter to let him know how much I love that book – and that he inspired Still Life by Sarah Winman, which is another novel that's close to my heart.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I would have so much to say in a fan letter to him.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

💯 LOVE this movie!! (& the book) It’s hard to beat a lot of those actors, though!!

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan, Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

Not exactly a literary choice but The Lord of the Rings. It was so brilliantly realized and is something I can watch again and again.

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Strong agree. SO very good. I would happily watch the entire trilogy anytime.

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They are our Christmas movies!

BTW, my favorite book to TV adaption is Anne With an E from Anne of Green Gables.

Yes, I am a grown-assed man and I own my Anne-fandom with great pride!

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Hey Michael I feel the same way, loved the series. (I only read the first of the books.)

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So disappointed when Netflix didn't keep it going. 800 Fast and the Furious movies but a sweet TV show just can't last. Sigh...

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Yes totally disappointing. And it was kind of a cliffhanger ending, we never got to know what happened to hew new friend.

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They are excellent Christmas movies.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan, Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

If you ever want to make me my cry, all you have to say is "My friends, you bow to no one" and I'll just lose it.

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Definitely agree. They are our Christmas movies too, this year we saw them back to back at the Imax in London - amazing!

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan, Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

1000% I remember going to see the Fellowship of the Ring for the first time and it was like time did not exist in that movie theater. I was ALL IN. And crushed when we got to the end and it was over. I love that it was filmed all in one fell swoop. I love that the cast members - the Fellowship - really became a fellowship. They brought LOTR to full life.

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Their friendship makes the movies even better, right? Also, very grateful for the extended version on the DVDs. Hours and hours and hours. YES.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Just watched the first movie again on a transatlantic flight - fabulous

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

This is one of those that, if I'm channel surfing and see any of the movies, I now know what I'm doing for the next 3 - 8 hours.

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The Princess Bride

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Ah, this was going to be my choice as well. The book is brilliant, but the movie is absolutely perfect. Anybody want a peanut?

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Agreed! The book was good, but the movie brought it to life exactly as it should have been.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Yes, the Princess Bride movie is way better than the book. We love it, still quote from it, and watch many times since we first saw it in 1988.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Holy Cow...what a great question! So I'm on the ROOM WITH A VIEW train for sure. I love this movie so much that my kids know this is my all time favorite movie. Helena Bonham Carter is divine and so is George...swoon. The kissing scene in the field is the best movie kiss of all time. I also will give a shout out to SENSE AND SENSIBILITY with Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson. These women have amazing chemistry and the sense of place is dreamy. Also on repeat here at my house.

Ok...I have to add another...ANNE OF GREEN GABLES with Megan Follows. My sister and I memorized this movie when we were kids. We also fought over who would play Anne and who would play Diana. My sister has red hair so she always won the role of Anne. Thanks Mel...I now know what I am doing tonight. Watching one or three of these movies!! Love it!!!

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The kiss. So perfect. I was devastated by the news about Julian Sands' death — that role means so much to me, and he was so tender in it.

YES to Sense and Sensibility. Do you know that Emma Thompson is married to Willoughby in real life? And he seems like a lovely human. Not at all like his character.

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Me too...just devastated. So sad. I loved him so much.

Ok...I can't even with the Emma/ Willoughby marriage. I was heartbroken when Emma and Kenneth separated. So glad she found her mate. He is fantastic. Though I'm not a fan of the show he was in with Kerri Russell- The Diplomat.

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Apparently Julian Sands really, really loved hiking, so at least maybe he died at peace with what he was doing?

That was such a scandal when ol' Kenny cheated on Emma with HBC. And now HBC and Emma are friends?! Just the best outcome.

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I hope so...

Oh Kenny, Kenny, Kenny...how Shakespearian of him. This sounds like a great book idea...their crazy relationship on film and in real life.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Pride and Prejudice (the 1995 adaptation) is a classic. I also enjoyed Jurassic Park. The book is more intellectual and the movie is more about visual effects, but they were both good in their own way.

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Agree re: Jurassic Park. I really enjoy Michael Crichton's writing, and I love that movie.

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Is that the Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth? Because it's perfection.

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Yes, it is.

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Yes! Colin Firth will ALWAYS be Mr Darcy :)

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

To Kill a Mockingbird. That movie is as much of a classic as the book.

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

There is only a "like" button, but I want to hit the "love" button on this.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I have a few! 10 Things I Hate About You is a brilliant modern day adaptation of the Taming of the Shrew, and I love all the Easter eggs and nods to Shakespeare throughout. I also absolutely adore Me and Earl and the Dying Girl. The book is written in an unconventional way, and the movie just adds so much to the experience of the story. Highly recommend it, as it’s a lesser-known gem (and I was a background actor in it, which adds another special layer for me).

And then of course I have to say Harry Potter. I’ll never forget going to see the sixth movie in theaters and feeling like I had seen it before because the descriptions in the book were so vivid and the movie absolutely nailed the set design and tone.

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Whoa, so cool that you were in Me and Earl and the Dying Girl. Neat!

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Harry Potter. 🩷

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That is amazing, Liz!

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Wow Liz...so cool that you were in that movie!!! I had know idea that 10 Things I Hate about you was a Taming of the Shrew contemporary adaptation. Thanks for the info!

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I loved the HBO adaptation of Station Eleven. I had thought it was a beautiful book and the TV series did not disappoint. Even the ways in which it differed from the source material, it was so well done it was satisfying.

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Jul 25Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I didn’t even know there was a screen adaptation for Station Eleven. I’m going to look for that right away. Thx☺️

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Ooooh, fun! It's so good.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Agreed, book and series!

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I haven’t watched or read this need to move them both up on my TBW and TBR!

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Oh, Pam. You're going to love that book. I'm excited for you that you get to read it for the first time.

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Oooh, this is a good one!

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

The new Amazon Prime adaptation of My Lady Jane is fantastic!

For books that I preferred in their the movie adaptations, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe and Stardust come to mind.

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Fried Green Tomatoes, yes! Gotta watch that one again soon - I love it!

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Came here to say this too. Really enjoying My Lady Jane, it's as funny as the book with great costumes.

Also love the Outlander shows, just wish it wasn't so long between seasons. And the 1995 version of Pride and Prejudice, Colin Firth is the best Mr. Darcy❤️

I'd love to see a version of The Thirteenth Tale, just re-read it for the 3-4th time, it's a favorite.

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Have you seen the adaptation of The Thirteenth Tale? I thought it was pretty good. Olivia Colman plays the young(er) writer! https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8i2ewd

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Oh — did not know there was one for The Thirteenth Tale! That’s a favorite of mine - now, must watch!

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Didn't know there was an adaptation out there, checked Reelgood and it's not streaming, maybe I'll catch it someday. Thanks!

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Another perfectly casted movie, especially when it came to Kathy Bates. TOWANDA!!!

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I keep hearing about My Lady Jane. Might have to add that to our watch list!

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Books aren't always better, but for my favorite books, there is just no chance that what I imagined and my recollection of that book can ever be matched on-screen. (Side note, listened to Isabel Allende / Madeline Miller Great Podversations, where Isabel said that memory is processed in the same part of the brain as imagination, love that idea / fact!).

I think the Harry Potter adaptions were pretty good, as well as Remains of the Day....but my recent favorite adaption would be The Quiet Girl based on the 2010 short story "Foster" by Claire Keegan. I think short stories (and Keegan is amazing if you haven't caught) are a great opportunity to adapt because short stories are kind of inherently like a sampler / brief dip into a bigger story anyhow.

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Oh, Remains of the Day. Breaks my heart in the best way.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Yes the Quiet Girl was amazing! I had forgotten about this until I read your post. Such a great adaptation and such a great book. Claire Keegan is one of my favorite writers.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I think A River Runs Through It is better than the book. I don't believe that the critics liked this movie but it is my comfort movie. Lots of people don't like how much voice over explanation Robert Redford does. Released in 1992. Not a perfect movie and problematic portrayal of indigenous folx but of course, was working with the book/novella published in 1976 but about life in the40s in Montana. And of course, doesn't hurt that Brad Pitt was at peak (IMHO) gorgeousness!

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Yep to Brad Pitt - swoooooon

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Jul 25Liked by Melissa Joulwan

The movie was okay but the book is brilliant. I still read it often because there are so many questions.. like how some people can see perfect grace in the zip of cast onto the water .. but for the caster (Paul) this grace (which his family thinks is akin to God's) is not enough to face his demons. Why?

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Jul 25Liked by Melissa Joulwan

It was a difficult read for me. Long, complicated sentences. Of course that was 20 years ago and maybe my experience would be different today.

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I like a movie with VO. I love the way it makes me feel like I'm being told a story.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I am always so afraid to watch a movie based on a book I really, really loved. Most of the time I spend the movie saying, "Well that didn't happen in the book." or " That's not how it happened in the book." and drive my family crazy. I have to agree with Mel on Good Omens. I was really happy with the way it translated to the screen.( I still have to watch the second season.) Another one that stood out for me was The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.

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WHAT?! The second season of Good Omens is so good. You must remedy this immediately.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

It's on my list of summer must watch especially now that I saw someone posted that there's a season 3 coming out as well!!

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

After reading the comments just thought of one more Stand By Me based on the short story by Stephen King.

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I’m with you on this Lisa. There are certain films I’ve refused to watch because I don’t want to have to deal with the potential disappointment. The Book Thief is one that springs immediately to mind

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I have not watched Lessons in Chemistry for that reason.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I find I am usually more disappointed with the movie than I am a fan of the movie. They're very, very few that I actually really enjoyed. I never saw the Book Thief and now I'm kind of glad I haven't lol

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Perfect casting for The Guernsey movie. As soon as I watched it, I read the book for the fourth time. ❤️

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

There are so many books that I want to reread but then there's also so many books that I just want to read. This is definitely one that I would love to reread one day.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I always think the book is better than the movie that is why i read or more specifically, I listen to audiobooks. I find a miniseries is the best way to take in a book to screen adaptation. I do not watch much TV so my most current and best miniseries I would recommend would be Little Fires Every Where. I’m going to show my age and say back in the 70s miniseries were very popular on major networks such as ABC, NBC, and CBS. The two most popular miniseries adapted from books were Rich Man Poor Man by Erwin Shaw and A woman of Substance my Barbara Taylor Bradford. And let’s not forget The Thorn Birds and North and South. Now were the days lol.

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THE THORN BIRDS! Formative text for teenage me.

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Jul 25Liked by Melissa Joulwan

And me! Lol

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Same! I read it freshman year of college when I should have been studying for exams. So, so much better than dry textbooks! I regret nothing!

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Richard Chamberlain was the KING of 70s miniseries. Loved The Thornbirds! Also, North and South is one of my all-time favorite books and series.

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Although, I wasn't thinking about context of 1970s....I meant Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South and the series starring Richard Armitage...NOT the one with Patrick Swayze 🤣

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I love John Jakes. I still recommend the Kent Family Chronicles whenever asked for a historical fiction book. Read all of them and love them.

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I've never read his books. Are the books in the Kent Family Chronicles long? i wonder if they are good on audio...

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Jul 25Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Each book is long. But they are riveting. You cannot stop reading once you stop. He wrote the series for high school students to inspire them to learn more about American history. So it is fiction based on fact. I read them all so many years ago and I am not one to read a book more than once because there are too many new books out there I want to read. But I am so tempted to go back and read the series again. Recommend and I think they would be great on audio. The first book in the series was published I believe in 1976 or somewhere about there. I think he started the series for the bicentennial. The title of the first book in the series is The Bastard. I am not sure but I think the movie starring Mel Gibson called the patriot was based on one of the novels in this series. Don’t quote me on that but I think it was.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Oh The Thorn Birds! Loved both the book and series!

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So swoony.

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Jul 24Liked by Mel Joulwan & Dave Humphreys

I adore the movie Enchanted April. The clothes, the setting! The adaptation is faithful to the book, but the movie brings all the characters to life.

I think Bridget Jones’s Diary was a very funny book but the movie was better. I’ve never watched the other Bridget movies, but I stand by #1.

I read The Handmaid’s Tale when it first came out in the 1990s, and I liked it. Margaret Atwood wrote the screenplay for the movie, I believe, and the movie adaptation added so much detail/nuance. I’ve not watched the recent series.

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Bridget Jones is a comfort watch for me, and I've never read the book. I'm kind of scared to (?) because I enjoy the movie so much. —Mel

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Oh it's adorable amd very true to the book. Renee Zellwegwer is great!

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Jul 24Liked by Melissa Joulwan

I love Enchanted April! And I did enjoy it more than the book. A younger Michael Kitchen was an added bonus. Ever recognize the voice before you connect with the face?

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I was scared to come in here suggesting LOTR, but it seems I’m in good company.

This is a super interesting topic; generally the book is better, but sometimes the film delivers. In those instances it’s interesting why the film is better. Sometimes the medium of film is just better suited (The Martian, Ready Player One), sometimes there’s a good idea in a book that hasn’t been done justice by the author but the film turns it into something much better (I am Legend).

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I love all of these points you're making.

I also love the idea of taking a story in one medium and telling it in another without needing to follow the original beat for beat. I love a world where multiple versions of a story exist. Gimme the graphic novels, movies, miniseries, audiobooks... puppet shows, musicals. I want them all. And a new version doesn't do anything to diminish the original, so it's a win-win.

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Jul 23Liked by Melissa Joulwan

Outlander - I LOVED both the series and the books. The chosen actors for the series could not have been more perfect and truly brought the books to life.

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Yes! I loved the first few seasons.

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